Faith Formation Discipline and Safety Policy

Please review the class rules with your child and support the catechists and administration in enforcing the rules. It is our goal to always provide a safe environment for all students attending the Faith Formation Program. The clergy, staff, and Faith Formation volunteers of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church strive to create a program wherein children and their families feel welcome, accepted and as a vital part of our community.

  • Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  • No chewing gum.
  • IPods, Mp3 players, hand-held toys, and all electronic devices are not allowed in class.
  • Cell phones are to be turned off during class time.
  • Follow the Catechist’s (teacher’s) instructions.
  • Disruptions, disrespect, profanity, and illegal activities will not be tolerated.
  • In the case of illegal activities, proper authorities will be contacted.
  • Please do not allow your child to bring any valuable items to class. We cannot be responsible for lost/stolen items.
  • Catechists will handle normal discipline problems. If a problem becomes persistent, the Faith Formation Director will intervene and, if necessary, call the parents/guardians.
  • Please follow arrival and dismissal procedures for the safety of all children.
  • Please respect handicap and reserved parking spaces.
  • Parents will not leave their child in a classroom unattended by a Catechist or Aide.
  • No child from any grade, unless they are licensed drivers, will be dismissed from the classroom to go to the parking lot on their own.
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