Our Faith Formation program encourages participation of all children in the parish continuously from ages PreK-12th grade. At specific ages and grades along the journey, our Faith Formation Program provides sacramental preparation for the children of Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church. To receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or Confirmation, children must attend a minimum of two consecutive years of religious instruction. Specifically, to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, children must be at least seven years old and in the second grade. To receive the sacrament of Confirmation, children must have a minimum of two consecutive years of religious instruction, be at least 15 years old, and be in tenth grade or higher.

Parents who wish to enroll their children in the Saint John the Evangelist Faith Formation Program for grades Pre-K to 12th Grade should print registration forms from the link on this page, complete the registration forms, and return both the forms and payment to the following address:
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Attn: Natalie Campbell, Director of Religious Education
625 111th Ave. N
Naples, FL 34108
Additional Resources:
Confirmation Saint Report Guidelines
Confirmation Saint Report Graphic Organizer
Confirmation Study Guide
Confirmation Sponsor Form
2022-2023 Confirmation Calendar
2022-2023 K-8 FF Calendar