Pre-school Catechism Children Grow Closer to God
Faith Formation Registration

The Saint John the Evangelist pre-school catechism class, based on the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level 1 program meets on Wednesday afternoons between 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. The program is under the direction of Charlotte A. Williams.
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to the religious formation of children. Level 1 is given to children from the ages of 3 years old up to 6 years old.
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd’s (CGS) formation of the child is rooted in the Bible and Liturgy and is founded on the educational principles of Maria Montessori. The children gather in the “atrium”, which is a room prepared for them containing simple yet beautiful materials that they use to help them absorb the most essential proclamations of our Catholic faith.
One of the key principles of CGS is to “Help me (child) to grow closer to God by myself.” This is done by incorporating the “work” of the child in the presentations to the child. In this approach, it helps the child to fulfill their desire to “work”. Practical life activities such as pouring, hand washing, flower arranging etc… are also incorporated into the program. These activities involve concentration. Concentration in turn aids in contemplation. The goal of the catechism presentations is to foster contemplation.
The catechesis is administered through a series of presentations that have proven to be the most essential to an age group. Some of the themes include: Liturgical colors, the Altar and its articles, Advent and Christmas (Infancy narratives), the Holy Bible, The Kingdom of God Parables (the mustard seed, the merchant and pearl, the leaven) the Parable of the Good Shepherd, the Cenacle and Last Supper, Baptism, the Liturgy of Light, Easter and Pentecost. Once a child is given a presentation, the child is free to work independently and choose what he/she would like to work with.
One unique aspect of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is that adults are drawn to and nourished by many of the presentations that are given to the children, just as the children are.
Registration is now open and there are spots still available in this class session.